Lock-down Beard Portrait

Lock-down Beard Portrait

Lock-Down Beard Portrait of my husband- looking very noble here!

Hello! So here I’m posting another Lock-Down portrait because we are living in unique times and my husband’s beard progression symbolises this well (he’s usually clean-shaven!). For this portrait sketch I started with an even pencil scribble across the whole page. I do this sometimes to get rid of the white space which can be really off-putting at times. I then worked into the ‘scribble’ (or ‘dark tone’) with an eraser picking out the rough outline of the nose, forehead and lips. I then worked into this with pencil. This is a sketchbook study so I’ve left it quite rough around the edges. I’m fairly happy with the proportion- there is definitely a likeness to my subject although there is probably some room for improvement(what else are sketchbook studies for?). Hair is another area I’d like to spend some more time on. This may come up in a future post!

By Emma Such

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